2017-05-22 07:41:37 UTC
While musing about Keycard Blackwood, I had three ideas for "improving" it. I hope for comments. Please go gently on me if the best response is "You're an ignorant baboon!"
On an auction like 1H - 2C (or 3C) - 2H (or 3H) - 4NT, responder counts Aces and Key King and bids 5H with 2, or 5S with 2 keycards AND the Spade Queen.
But what about the Club King? It's most probably also a very valuable card on this auction, no?
(1) Should the responder to Blackwood be allowed to count Club King as the fifth key card instead of Heart King on an auction like this? (To reduce risk of confusion, let's say only one King can be counted -- with one Ace and BOTH key Kings, the response is "two Key Cards" not "three.")
On the above auction, opener has implied (though not guaranteed)
six hearts. Responder may have weak support (e.g. Ax) and need you to have spade Queen to hope for slam. Then you bid 5S instead of 5H.
(2) But what if you have Kxxxxxxx -- eight hearts instead of six? The two extra hearts make up for the lack of the Queen, right? So, when responding to keycard Blackwood, undisclosed length can substitute for the Queen if your extra length is at least two -- eight cards when you've suggested six, or seven cards when you've suggested five.
(3) [This final proposal I feel less strongly about.] If we agree that Kxxxxxx can be treated as KQxxx when answering Blackwood, what about KJTxxx? (Or KJTxxxx when six hearts have been shown?) If "two extra trumps" can be treated as Queen for Blackwood response, what about 1 extra trump, when the suit has Jack and Ten?
Donning asbestos suit ...
On an auction like 1H - 2C (or 3C) - 2H (or 3H) - 4NT, responder counts Aces and Key King and bids 5H with 2, or 5S with 2 keycards AND the Spade Queen.
But what about the Club King? It's most probably also a very valuable card on this auction, no?
(1) Should the responder to Blackwood be allowed to count Club King as the fifth key card instead of Heart King on an auction like this? (To reduce risk of confusion, let's say only one King can be counted -- with one Ace and BOTH key Kings, the response is "two Key Cards" not "three.")
On the above auction, opener has implied (though not guaranteed)
six hearts. Responder may have weak support (e.g. Ax) and need you to have spade Queen to hope for slam. Then you bid 5S instead of 5H.
(2) But what if you have Kxxxxxxx -- eight hearts instead of six? The two extra hearts make up for the lack of the Queen, right? So, when responding to keycard Blackwood, undisclosed length can substitute for the Queen if your extra length is at least two -- eight cards when you've suggested six, or seven cards when you've suggested five.
(3) [This final proposal I feel less strongly about.] If we agree that Kxxxxxx can be treated as KQxxx when answering Blackwood, what about KJTxxx? (Or KJTxxxx when six hearts have been shown?) If "two extra trumps" can be treated as Queen for Blackwood response, what about 1 extra trump, when the suit has Jack and Ten?
Donning asbestos suit ...