Post by p***@infi.netPost by w***@gmail.comMHO opens in first seat, IMP, both nonvul
you hold
3D 3H ... your bid? What are your Agreements?
I don't think we can beat 4H, and I don't think 4S will play all that
well even if partner has support.. On the other hand I think I can
provide several tricks for partner so 5D may make or be a good
sacrifice. I'll jump to 5D and let them guess what to do. If they bid 5H
I won't double.
Er, we can easily beat 4H if partner has either black singleton, and
a black singleton is more likely that a heart one or 7222 shape. x
Txx xxxxxxx xx is sometimes enough to beat 2H (spade ace, spade ruff,
club to Q, spade ruff, club to ace, spade or club ruff, where the third
spade ruff requires overruffing dummy and occurs when declarer's trumps
are too good (??xx AKQJxx ? K?).
I bid 3S (forcing, and often lead directional with a fit, so must not be
raised with only xx). I expect to end up in 4D, but if the opponents
bid 4H partner will double this with spade shortness and otherwise I
will usually double it and try for a club ruff instead of a spade ruff.
4H is down only 1 on 2 club ruffs if partner has xx xxx xxxxxxx x.