Post by ais523Post by rhmI do not know what you want to say.
If I play 15-17 Notrump, I will pass with 5332 and a poor 14 HCP a 1NT response.
Oh, I think I see the problem here.
The issue is that in a strong notrumps system, 1S basically shows three
possible hand types: 12-14 balanced with spades; single-suited with
spades; two-suited with spades and another.
It's easy enough to handle the latter two hand types after 1S, 1NT
(regardless of which seat you opened in); you bid 2S or the second suit
respectively. But what are you meant to do with the 12-14 balanced hand?
14 plus 11 is 25 which is normally enough for game, so you'd ideally
Your assumption is contrary to the normal advice for a balanced hand
opposite a balanced hand (balanced includes 5332) which I can
characterise as
a) if you maximum combined count is 25, don't invite i.e. play 1NT
b) if your minimum combined count is 24, play in game i.e. play 3NT
This means you never play 2NT (silly contract anyway) but requires that
1NT openers and rebids are 3 point ranges. This protects you to some
extent from interference since 4 point 1NT ranges are a self inflicted
So the answer to your questions is that 14 opposite 11 is a clear pass.
Post by ais523want to bid on over a 1NT that could potentially show 11 points and a
misfit. But in the scenario in this thread (pass, 1S; 1NT), the top end
of 1NT's range is 11 points (possibly even 12 depending on your opening
If you play 14-16 1NT and open all 11s then 1M-1N can show up to 11
since partner with 11-13 can pass a 1N of 5-11 comfortably.
If your 2/1 system is not FG but either promises a rebid or is F2NT, you
might respond with a 2/1 rather than bid 1NT with 11.
If you're playing 15-17 1NT and passing all balanced 11s, then 1M-1N
can up to 10. Of course if you are playing 2/1 FG, you have another problem.
Post by ais523style), so 14 points balanced becomes an unbiddable hand type. You don't
want to have to bid 2NT and leave your partner wondering whether you
have 14 or 18, as then a partner on 9 or so points would have to guess
how to follow up.
I actually consider this to be one of the largest theoretical issues
with strong notrumps systems (that 12-14 balanced hands tend to not
have enough bidding space below 1NT). In a weak notrumps system,
there's no problem because the "I couldn't open 1NT" range is
contiguous, so you could happily bid 2NT with your balanced 15 (the
Acol players might open 1NT with 12-14, rebid 1NT with 15-16, rebid 2NT
with 17-18. This is requires 1M-1N to be 5-9 so the 15-16 hand can pass
over 1M-1N. They bid over 1M-1N only with the 17-18 hand.
Post by ais523weakest hand on which this problem could occur). Alternatively, you
could adjust a strong notrumps range to solve the problem; neither
14-16 nor 15-18 will have a problem finding a rebid (the former can
Playing 15-18 as your 1N opener forces you to play 2NT when responder
is interested but opener is minimum. This should be avoided. There is
also another problem when they bid and your magic 2C enquiry is not
Post by ais523pass with any hand below the notrumps range; the latter can bid 3NT
with any hand above it, so 2NT could be reserved for the 14-point